Multi-platform eBook Reader with Marketplace and Library Mangement

The Challenge
The Canadian Standards Association “CSA” publishes standards in print and electronic form, and provides training and advisory services. They needed a way to distribute all of the latest versions of their training guides and to incorporate interactive multimedia elements.
Coded access was required to unlock the premium features and access the full content library after a hard book purchase.
The Solution
Centogram built an eReader app for both iOS and Android alongside a download manager to purchase and distribute the digital books and content.
A unique redeemable code was included with the purchase of any hard book that allowed coded access to the eBook and exclusive supporting multimedia materials such as digital calculators and compliance checklists.

Key Features
eBook Reader app with a robust cloud based code-accessed document management system was created for the CSA Group to track, store, manage and control the flow of documents and files. Some key features include:
- Cloud based download manager
- Code accessed content
- Custom “my books” library
- Rich Media eBook Integration

The codes to unlock the premium content were distributed with the sales of hard copy books.