Personalized schedule app that helps keep students and staff organized

The Challenge
Many students have difficulty keeping track of a busy class schedule. The published calendars on the school website are great but they include lots of additional information that may not be specific to students. This is even more complicated with Ursuline who uses a proprietary and individulaized scheduling solution that utilizes special concepts like Mods and Color Days.
Web based calendars are difficult to review on a smart phone and would require zooming and scrolling and most students prefer using their phones over desktops.
Since most students communicate and collaborate using cloud apps providing a mobile solution for both student and staff was a natural fit.
The Solution
Centogram delivered mobile experience that looks great and works properly on the3 web, smart phones and tablets, and the content scales and flows fluidly.
Personalized content custom tailors the experience by providing the right content, at the right time, to the teacher or staff all customized by their specific Mods and Events using their personal account.
The app experience is fast and engaging, time after time.
Administrators have control over all content of the app using a custom built CMS and Backend API so they can keep the app relevant for years to come as their calendar continues to change.
Key Features
Ursuline’s Merici Schedule App is designed in the spirit of St. Angela Merici, enabling students to manage their personalized schedules. Some key features include:
- Personalized Schedules
- Important Date Notifications
- Schedule Photo
- Full Mod Schedule
- Bespoke API and CMS

The app conveniently coordinates a personalized student or teacher schedule with the 6 letter days and varying activity schedules.